
An excerpt of Imam's speech to Businessmen and shopkeepers of Qum, religious students and a number of visitors to the holy shrine of Hazrat Ma`suma/1

An excerpt of Imam's speech to three groups of businessmen from Tehran, a number of religious students, and the people of Qum/2

The Imam's speech to Businessmen and groups of people from Tehran, religious students and the people of Qum/3

The Imam's speech to The `ulama, instructors and students of religious sciences and several residents of Qum/4

The Imam's speech to Ayatullah Ruhullah Kamalvand, the high-ranking Ayatullahs and a group of the `ulama of Qum;/5

The Imam's speech to High-ranking clergy, and the maraji` of Qum/6

The Imam's speech to Religious students, clergy, citizens of Qum and pilgrims visiting the holy shrine of Hazrat Ma`suma (pbuh)/7

The Imam's speech to Imam's students and followers/8

The Imam's speech to a group of religious students, clergy and people of Qum/9

An excerpt of Imam's speech to a group of religious students, clergy and people of Qum/10

The Imam's speech to a group of religious students, clergy and people of Qum/11

The Imam's speech to a group of religious students, clergy and people of Qum/12

The Imam's speech to `Ulama, clergymen, merchants, students and people from other sectors of society/13

The Imam's speech to Religious students, clerics, merchants of the bazaar and others resident in Qum/14

The Imam's speech to Religious students, clerics, merchants of the bazaar, university students and academics and people from other walks of life from Qum and other cities/15

The Imam's speech to `ulama, scholars and students of Islamic subjects at the Najaf centre of theology/16

The Imam's speech to `ulama, scholars and students of religious sciences of the Najaf theological centre/17

The Imam's speech to Religious students and clergy of Najaf/18

The Imam's speech to students of Basra University/19

The Imam's speech to Students and clergy of the Najaf theological centre/20

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